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Our Library and Outdoor Reading Area


Welcome to the heart of imagination and discovery of our school, where our students embark on incredible journeys through the power of books- the fabulous Wygate Park Academy Library! Nestled within the walls of our school, this sanctuary of knowledge has an amazing collection of over 4500 books, each a portal to a world waiting to be explored and to ignite the passion for reading in the hearts and minds of our students!

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Our Library is more than just a room filled with shelves; it’s a magical gateway to endless adventures, where children can immerse themselves in the enchanting realms of stories, facts and fantasies. The shelves here are a treasure trove, brimming with tales of heroes and heroines, mysteries waiting to be unravelled and worlds waiting to be discovered. Picture books adorned with vibrant illustrations draw in our youngest readers and graphic novels with tales of adventure and chapter books offer exciting challenges to our budding bookworms.  Our library ensures that there is something for every curious mind, from classic literature to contemporary tales, from the realms of science to the lands of magic.

What we really love about our Library is not just its vast collection of books but the wonderfully inviting atmosphere it creates. We believe in nurturing a love for reading, so our library provides a welcoming space for our children to lose themselves in the world of words. Cosy bean bags, comfortable toadstools, a treehouse and lots of nooks to hide with a good book are all designed to make reading a real pleasure at our school.

We can’t wait for you to explore the fabulous Wygate Park Academy library, where the possibilities are as endless as the stories it holds!


Outdoor Reading Area

Welcome to Wygate Park Academy’s reading oasis. Nestled within our amazing school grounds with access directly to the school library, this enchanting outdoor reading area is a haven for young minds eager to explore the world of books, stories and imagination.

At the heart of this idyllic space is the story-telling chair, that beckons readers to immerse themselves in tales read by students or mystery readers. The reading treehouse, with its cosy corners and beanbags beckons our students to escape into the world of a good book while surrounded by the sights and sounds of nature. Tee-pees and benches are the perfect places to spend time with friends sharing a book and the outdoor stage is the perfect place to bring books to life. Surrounded by the sounds of the rustling leaves of our newly planted trees, our reading area is the perfect place to escape from the hustle and bustle of the school day!

But what truly make this space unique is the nurturing care it receives from our student reading ambassadors. These dedicated individuals, chosen for their passion for reading and storytelling ensure that this reading haven is the perfect place to relax and enjoy a book.

We are part of the Voyage Education Partnership

Voyage Education Partnership Venture House, Enterprise Way Boston, Lincolnshire, PE21 7TW